Interview of Ginvera24 - Winner of short story genre - EARNESTY COMMUNITY WATTPAD


"Earnesty Community" is currently a Wattpad based community that puts together awards events, writing contests, promotion, and many more!

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Interview of Ginvera24 - Winner of short story genre

Interview of Ginvera24

Quote:"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it."  -- Henry David Thoreau

{Winner of short story genre}


1.) How do you feel and How was your experience winning this EWA18?

■Ahh, I wasn’t really expecting it, but it’s safe to say that I was more than elated after discovering that I’m one of the genre award winners lol. It was a great experience, and I hope that I will have the chance to advance to the finals toooo~

2.)Why is short story so important to you and why is your book important to you based on your achievement of winning EWA18 ?

■Ehh I wanted to try something different, a fresh new concept involving dark themes. I happened to chance upon the earnesty awards after attempting a few chapters (cringe lmao).

3.) How did you go about writing this book and How did you come up with the title of the book?

■Hmm, good question. Writing short story started out with small story prompts, and eventually, it evolved into dark fantasy ones. Now, I’m currently writing retelling-related short stories, and their bursting with proses ahem HAHAH. The title? The term, ‘sleeping stars’ represents dormant — or possibly dead — shards of hope, waiting to be rekindled or put to eternal sleep. My short stories are dark, and as my characters are forced into a living nightmare, they have a choice — kill or not to kill. It’s basically a plethora of tales involving demons and lost sheeps.

4.)Did you experience any problems while entering the EWA18 ?

■Nope. Not really, tbh. It’s been a great experience, for one.

5.) Did you ever get writers' block while writing your book for EWA18?

■HAHAHAH I’m not a resilient person lmao, I’m being brutally honest here. I wouldn’t exactly try to overcome a writers block if I had one, so the answer would be no.

6.) What have gave you the courage to enter you book into the EWA2018 and How did you go about in Entering the EWA2018?

■Hmm, I don’t know. I’m used to entering competitions and I don’t usually advance this far into the rounds, so courage wouldn’t be a problem for me, I guess. I just happened to chance upon this book, and hence the entry.

7.) Any last thoughts for our readers? Any thing would you like to say to your readers and writers ?

■Ahhh, thank you for this great experience, and allowing my book to advance to the top few selected entries!! ♡

8.)How did you beginning writing ? Are you going to continue writing short stories?

■Tbh, I don’t remember how exactly. I think it was after my fascination with books began, and when I had started collecting words, pretty, ethereal words that were beautiful on the tongue — it was then wattpad was popular amongst my group of friends. I used it as an app for reading at first, before I tried my hand on writing. I absolutely love the ecstasy of weaving words together to form sentences and sentences of beautiful characters. We Writers are artists you see, in our own way. Oh yes, writing short stories came after trying my hand at other genres, of course.

9.) Just being a little curious Does your story have a clear main character? What was your thoughts including those character you included ?

■Nope. I mean, each chapter is a new page, a new story about a new character. My stories are mostly dark fantasy retellings, or just a short chapter on twisted love gone wrong. As mentioned above, each character has their own, refreshing personality. They are all killers though, but it is for you to decide whether they are truly demons, or just merely lost sheep.

Interviewed by

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