Interview with Winner of Science fiction Genre- Earnesty's Writers Awards 2018 - EARNESTY COMMUNITY WATTPAD


"Earnesty Community" is currently a Wattpad based community that puts together awards events, writing contests, promotion, and many more!

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Interview with Winner of Science fiction Genre- Earnesty's Writers Awards 2018

Interview of gentel_bull

QUOTE :“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them."


1.) How do you feel and How was your experience winning this EWA18?

● Probably the most difficult question to answer. I feel like my own children, whom I brought up with the sweat of my brow, succeeded in life and earned themselves a name of their own. Basically indescribable pride.

2.) Did  you ever get writers’ block while writing your book for EWA18?

●Of course. It was always difficult, but I had a lot of friends who encouraged me and helped me out of it. Major writers' block actually hit me twice during writing Cilyber, and both times I didn't upload at the specified date.

3.) What have you the courage to enter you book into the EWA2018 and How did you go about in Entering the EWA2018?

● I entered the EWA2018 awards with a "why not? I can do it" mentality. Even if Cilyber had not won, I definitely would've read the genre winner's book and learned, coming back with more experience and knowledge next time.

4.) How did you go about writing this book and How did you come up with the title of the book?

●Being a person who's usually a fantasy fan, I decided to write a book that was challenging in every aspect. I wrote my first science fiction novel, and my first female lead character. As for the title, I think I was inspired by the show Gotham to simply name the book after the city it takes place in. I figured it was catchy enough, and it seems I was correct!

5.) What advice would you like to give to other users about your winning of the EWA18?

●For everyone reading this: Don't give up. Your moment WILL come, and I speak from experience. If you don't stop writing, you will keep getting better, and if you keep getting better you will get to the top. Keep. Writing. You're talented.

6.) How do you see the future of science fiction? Will science fiction maintain its independence or intertwine with other literary genres?

●The way I see it, Science Fiction has always been intertwined with other literary genres. Maybe it hadn't been so clear in the old days, but writers are getting bolder and bolder, taking sci fi to a new level with their limitless creativity. I believe the boom of punk subgenres really helped sci fi branch out to touch topics that weren't directly related to the genre.

7.) In many science fiction stories, the existence of God is denied. Is that even true? Could we call science fiction as an atheist literary genre?

As an atheist who has massive respect for religion, no, I do not think that is the case, nor should it be. Everyone, even that fictional character heading into deep space for intergalactic travel, deserves a right to believe in what he/she believes. And no genre has the right to take that away.

8.) Why is science fiction so important to you and why is your book important to you based on your achievement  of winning EWA18 ?

● Science Fiction is important to me because it helped me find who I really am, how my style of writing really defines itself. I've never been so committed as I was to Cilyber, often skipping social events because I "had an idea". So, in my humble opinion, Cilyber is a winner whether or not that EWA18 sticker is on the cover or not. I hope every other participant has the same mentality.

9.) Did you experience any problems while entering the EWA18 ?

● Not at all! The admins are all extremely helpful and kind, offering help sometimes before I needed it. This is coming from a blunt person, no silver tongue in play.

10.) What else would you like to share about you book , your wining of science fiction EWA18 and  your experience all in earnestycommunity ?

● It was a wonderful experience, one I'll truly never forget. My first number 1 prize for my first book is nothing to take for granted, and I am extremely grateful to the Earnesty Community for giving me a chance to shine. Thank you.

Interviewed by

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